Habitat’s Response to the Coronavirus Outbreak
Habitat’s Response to Coronavirus Outbreak
Dear Habitat Supporters, In light of the Coronavirus Outbreak, we want to assure the public we are actively taking steps to keep our employees, clients, volunteers, and ReStore customers safe.
Habitat for Humanity has a culture of safety on all of our construction sites. Typically our focus is on preventing construction-related injuries, however, with the spread of COVID-19 our culture of safety includes additional precautions for volunteer health and safety:
- Hand sanitizer and/or disinfectant readily available at all build sites
- Disinfectant wipes/spray available for wiping down tools
- Disposable gloves available
- Volunteers are encouraged to bring their own work gloves
While we can’t guarantee a sterile worksite, we encourage all volunteers to clean their hands and tools frequently and will provide disposable gloves for those who want them.
It is our hope to make your experience with the ReStore and all of our Habitat for Humanity interactions as enjoyable and safe as possible.
- Extra time and effort has been allocated to clean the store.
- Employees have been trained on preventative measures such as:
- Washing hands frequently with soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitizer.
- Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- Properly covering coughs
- Avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth
- Employees and volunteers have been encouraged to stay home if they are sick.
To everyone, we appreciate your desire to help and support our mission—if you are feeling unwell, please stay home, get healthy and join us when you’re feeling better.
Lastly, we are actively monitoring the situation from the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control. We will update you as needed.