President & CEO Shares Why It Is Vital for Velocity Credit Union to Do Their Part to Help Build Solutions for Housing Affordability
Q: What motivates your Velocity Credit Union to be involved with The House that Credit Unions Built?
A: With affordability and housing being such a hot topic in Austin, we feel it is vital to do our part in helping our community “build” solutions.
Q: What has been your favorite part of this build?
A: My favorite part is that we are able to help make a real difference in someone’s life. It’s such a gratifying effort. I also enjoy the collaboration with our fellow credit unions. Our shared goal has always been “people helping people” and this is such a tangible way to demonstrate that.
Debbie & Velocity Credit Union at the 2021 Wall Raising Ceremony with Future Homeowner, Crystal
Q: How has the affordable housing crisis impacted the work that you do?
A: We are finding that an increasing number of our employees are living/moving outside of the city of Austin. While much of the past couple of years has been spent working from home for some, we will eventually transition back to something approximating “normal”. When that happens, we know we will be challenged to accommodate our expanded employee geography.
Q: What do you hope to accomplish as an organization through this partnership?
A: At Velocity, one of our core values is “better together.” My hope is that this partnership inspires our employees and helps them to see the benefit of working as a team for the greater good, which is exactly what we do at the credit union.
Velocity Credit Unions Building Community on the Austin Habitat Construction Site in 2021
Q: What type of connections have you made during this partnership with the other credit unions?
A: I’ve known most of these CEOs for many years. I think the best part is confirming how big their hearts are, as demonstrated by their shared commitment to our community and helping to improve people’s lives.
Thank you to our Credit Union Partners that help us build affordable housing!
Velocity Credit Union Ready to Build on the Austin Habitat Construction Site