Jaime Thorpe Expresses Alamo Drafthouse’s Commitment to Creating More Opportunities for Affordable Housing and Women
Q: Why did your organization support the 2022 Austin Habitat for Humanity Woman Build?
A: Alamo Drafthouse has supported Habitat for Humanity as an organization for over a decade. It’s a cause we are passionate about. We’re supporting the 2022 Austin Habitat for Humanity Women Build campaign because we believe in lifting up and recognizing women in all ways. We love that the Women Build program provides skills for women as well as homes for people in need.
I am proud to say that Alamo Drafthouse is led by an amazing female CEO, Shelli Taylor, who models empowerment, leadership, and compassion every day (and she also just happens to sit on the Board of Directors for Austin Habitat for Humanity). Shelli seeks out opportunities to lift up, connect, and empower women, which naturally makes our organization engaged in finding ways we can impact our communities beyond our business’ four walls. We see Austin Habitat’s Women Build as a natural extension of our efforts.
Q: How do you and your organization empower women in the Austin community?
A: We start from within. I’m proud to share that the representation of women at the most senior levels of our organization has increased greatly in the last two years, with Shelli at the helm. We actively seek out women leaders, and, as Head of Operations, there is something I’m particularly proud of: We promote from within. Continuing to create more opportunities for women at all levels of the organization is something we are committed to, along with efforts to diversify the perspectives in our company in a broad sense.
Jaime Thorpe and the Alamo Drafthouse Team Supporting Our 2022 Women Build
Q: Why is supporting affordable housing organizations in our community important to you?
A: We are one community, and we are all better as humans (and humanity) when we watch out for each other. To me, affordable housing is the linchpin of a great city–it provides the diversity and access that allow communities to thrive, and it overcomes the artificial boundaries that socio-economic status creates. Sometimes it’s as simple as offering a set of hands, for both big and small acts, that help a fellow human being.
Q: What does home mean to you?
A: Great question! For me, the word “Home” and the word “Comfort” are synonymous. I personally find “Home” in a variety of ways: Home is the roof over my head and the family, friends, and relationships in which I find comfort and safety; it’s the place where it’s easy to be my best self. And this version of Home is what drives me to contribute to helping others find their Home–taking care of this basic need empowers people so they can lead active, productive, healthy lives.
Throwback to the Incredible Alamo Drafthouse Build In 2012